My collection of paperbacks and hard bound books overwhelms my house. I have a huge bookshelf, piled two deep, and there still is an overflow of pile in a nearby chair. The books are organized more by whim than by topic, and there is very little rhyme or reason to where to locate any one book. I like that it takes me a few minutes to track down a specific title because I inevitably get to remind myself of all the good books I own.
Ah, The Grapes of Wrath. Oh, I forgot about all those Russian plays. It's been ages since I've opened that book of dark and angry poetry. And look, a stack of contemporary fiction novels waiting for me to open them.
Finding a book is like walking down my very own literary memory lane. Every title is important to me. Every book has a direct connection to my life as a storyteller.
As a creative writer, reading is essential. Not only does reading allow my brain to rest from creating, but it also helps me recognize my strengths and weaknesses. Great dialogue always inspires me to make my characters more real in the cadence of their speech. Tightly plotted sections of a novel remind me to keep my stories on track. And, unforgettable characters encourage me to let my imagination run wild.
Without reading, my writing would suffer terribly. I have found it foolish to pretend that I am the only person in the world who has ever put pen to paper. Instead, I voraciously absorb the written word from many sources. Clever phrases get my lyrical mind rolling. Satisfying endings draw me back to the outlines of my own stories. Well-written works encourage me to keep up the reputation of my craft and fellow writers.
Without books to read, I would not be a writer. Because I am a writer, I love to read. It is circular process of course. But, it is necessary, organic process for all of us who are inspired to create new worlds, characters, and stories.
And, if you ever want to borrow a book, just come on over. Good luck finding it!